Normally, the companies charges to their customers under the concept of “SEO Services“, speculating improvements. These improvements often take much more time than expected. However the customer is still paying for it, even the months that does not improve. In our case, is the opposite way. We only charge on acomplished objectives.
Acomplished objectives?
When we talk acomplished objectives, We refer to the reached positions.
How this works?
Initially, the client indicates us phrases he want to be positioned. Then we make an analysis of the State of the web and the competition. Once already studied the case, We deliver to the customer a very clear form, where to set the price of each position to achieve. At last, the customer will pay for the arranged acomplished objectives.
How do I check the objectives?
Each time that we deliver to the customer the invoice, accompanied by an official report. Anyway you can always check it just searching it on google.
Once achieved the objectives?
Once achieved the objectives, Depending on the situation, It can be or not necessary to hire a maintenance to keep these positions where they are. The price varies depending on the situation, But if for some reason any of the phrases is not on first page during any time of the month, you won't have to pay for it the next month.
SEO positioning
To get a good SEO positioning we must consider many factors when creating the space web. So when polishing the most I use a series of programs that analyze and recommend appropriate improvements. This way, I always get an excellent result. Later, will know at all times the current positioning of our web with the keywords that are defined.
As commented previously, there are many factors to take into account the SEO positioning our site web, but highlighted the following:
Linked and active social networks
Correct HTML structure
Alternate text for all images
Meta tags and keywords inserted correctly
Information on actual keywords
File compression for faster loading pages
Image Optimization